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美[flæt]  英[flæt]
adj.  平坦的;扁平的;单调的;断然的;[音乐]降音的;气不足的
adv.  平直地;直截了当;低于标准音高地
n.  <英>公寓;平面部分;[音乐]降半音;泄气轮胎
v.  变平;降调;住公寓
  副词:flatly  比较级:flatter  最高级:flattest  名词:flatness  过去式:flatted  过去分词:flatted  现在分词:flatting  第三人称单数:flats


  1. 单调的,无聊的,枯燥的,无趣的
  2. 扁平的,平坦的,平的
  3. 降半音的,降音的,低于标准音高的
  4. 萧条的,不景气的
  5. 走了气的
  6. 断然的
  7. 浅的
  8. 生意清淡的
  9. 缺乏热情的
  10. 色彩单调的
  11. 偏低的
  12. 无反差的
  1. 平直地
  2. 断然地,直截了当地
  3. 恰恰,正好
  4. 平躺地
  5. 低于标准音高
  6. 根本未达到预期效果
  7. 完全失败地
  8. 趴倒在地地
  9. 一贫如洗地
  10. 全速地
  11. 全力以赴地
  12. 才…
  1. 平地
  2. 一套房间,公寓,单元房
  3. 浅滩
  4. 一层
  5. 【音】降半音,降音,降号
  6. 平面部份
  7. 低洼地,沼地
  8. 瘪了的轮胎,泄了气的的轮胎
  9. 平面布景,布景屏
  10. 平底鞋
  11. 平底船
  1. 【音】(使)降半音,(使)降音, 降调
  2. 使(变)平
  3. 变平淡, 使平淡
  4. 丢弃(恋人)
  5. 以降调唱


  1. 平的,平坦的 smooth and level; not rounded or lumpy
  2. [A](价格)固定的,(收费)统一的 (of an amount of money, a charge, etc.) fixed; not variable
  3. 漏气的,气不足的 (of a tyre) without enough air in it
  4. [P]单调的,沉闷的 dull and lifeless
  5. 扁平的,浅的 not very thick or high
  1. [C]一套房间,公寓套房 a set of rooms in a building, especially on one floor, including a kitchen and bathroom; apartment
  1. 平直地 in or into a flat or level position
  2. 直截了当地,断然地 complete; firm; with no more argument
  3. 正好,恰恰,精确 exactly


  1. a level tract of land;

    "the salt flats of Utah"

  2. a shallow box in which seedlings are started
  3. a musical notation indicating one half step lower than the note named
  4. freight car without permanent sides or roof
  5. a deflated pneumatic tire
  6. scenery consisting of a wooden frame covered with painted canvas; part of a stage setting
  7. a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house
  1. having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another;

    "a flat desk" "acres of level farmland" "a plane surface" "skirts sewn with fine flat seams"

  2. having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness;

    "flat computer monitors"

  3. not modified or restricted by reservations;

    "a categorical denial" "a flat refusal"

  4. stretched out and lying at full length along the ground;

    "found himself lying flat on the floor"

  5. lacking contrast or shading between tones
  6. (of a musical note) lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone;

    "B flat"

  7. flattened laterally along the whole length (e.g., certain leafstalks or flatfishes)
  8. lacking taste or flavor or tang;

    "a bland diet" "insipid hospital food" "flavorless supermarket tomatoes" "vapid beer" "vapid tea"

  9. lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting;

    "a bland little drama" "a flat joke"

  10. having lost effervescence;

    "flat beer" "a flat cola"

  11. sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch;

    "the owl's faint monotonous hooting"

  12. horizontally level;

    "a flat roof"

  13. lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth;

    "a film with two-dimensional characters" "a flat two-dimensional painting"

  14. not reflecting light; not glossy;

    "flat wall paint" "a photograph with a matte finish"

  15. commercially inactive;

    "flat sales for the month" "prices remained flat" "a flat market"

  1. with flat sails;

    "sail flat against the wind"

  2. in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly;

    "he didn't answer directly" "told me straight out" "came out flat for less work and more pay"


  1. spread a map flat把地图平展开
  2. turn a person of suggestion down flat断然拒绝那个人的建议
  1. flat against the wall平整地挂在墙上
  2. flat on one's back卧躺
  3. flat on the ground平摊在地上
  1. bright flat明亮的房间
  2. cheap flat便宜的房间
  3. clean flat清洁的房间
  4. comfortable flat舒适的房间
  5. expensive flat昂贵的房间
  6. modern flat现代化的房间
  7. noisy flat吵闹的房间
  8. pleasant flat漂亮的房间
  9. quiet flat安静的房间
  1. river flat河床
  2. three-room flat三室一套的房间


  1. Most of our county is as flat as a pancake.我们县大部分地方非常平坦。
  2. In flat open country there is plenty of grass for the cattle to feed on.在开阔平坦的地区有大量的青草供牛群食用。
  3. People used to think that the earth was flat.过去人们认为地球是扁平的。
  4. He spoke in a flat monotone.他说话单调低沉。
  5. After the excitement was over, she felt flat.令人兴奋的事过后,她感到平淡无味。
  6. My request was met with a flat refusal.我的要求遭到了断然拒绝。
  7. That note should be B flat, not B.那个音应该是降 B 音,而不是 B 音。
  8. Our car had a flat tire.我们那辆汽车有一只轮胎漏了气。
  1. She lay flat on her back in the warm sunshine.她在温暖的阳光下平躺著。
  2. I'm flat broke.我身无分文。
  3. My boss told me flat that I could not leave early.我的老板明确地告诉我不能早走。
  1. She is buying a flat close to her office.她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的单元房。
  2. He beat on the door with the flat of his hand.他用手掌打门。
  3. There are no sharps or flats in the key of C major.C 大调中没有升半音和降半音。
  4. We need to find a place that can fix the flat.我们得找个地方修理一下漏气的轮胎。


    flat的基本意思是“平的”“平坦的”,指表面没有显著的弯曲、突出、倾斜等。也可用于借喻,表示“平淡无味的”“无聊的”“无精打采的”,还可指“漏气的,气不足的”“扁平的,浅的”等,在句中可用作定语或表语。 flat也可指“(价格)固定的,(收费)统一的”,此时只用作定语。
    flat用作副词时意思是“平直地”,引申可表示为“直截了当地”“断然地”。 flat的另一个意思是“正好”“恰恰”“精确”,在句中多用作状语。


  1. 她要求别人帮她出主意,究竟该把这画挂在新房的什么地方。

    She asked for help in determining where to hang the picture into her new flat.

    She asked for help in determining where to hang the picture in her new flat.
