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美[æb'djuːsənt]  英[æb'djuːsənt]
adj.  向外扩展的


  1. a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye
  1. especially of muscles; drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part


  1. Among the nerves damaged,4 were facial nerves,2 were abducent nerves, 1 oculomotor nerve and 1 vagus nerve. 动眼神经1例; 舌咽、迷走神经1例。
  2. The number of AICAs which were posterior and medial to the abducent nerve were 34 and 5 respectively and 2 AICAs ran across the abducent nerve. 位于展神经根背侧者 5支 (占 12 .;19%25 ) ; 穿展神经根丝者 2支 (占 4
  3. Objective To introduce a self-designed abducent plaster tractional apparatus (APTA) and its effect on treating basal fractures of the thumb metacarpal. 目的介绍自制外展石膏牵引固定架治疗拇指掌骨基底骨折的疗效。
  4. The reasons of redislocation is the bigger abducent angles of the hip,shallow acetabulum filled with more fat and fibrous tissue,and labrum inverted. 髋臼浅,臼内纤维组织及脂肪组织过多,盂缘内翻是造成再脱位的主要原因。
  5. To provide applied anatomical data of abducent nerve for skull base surgery and the data of abducent nerve about Chinese constitution. 目的 :为颅底外科手术防止伤及展神经提供应用解剖依据和为国人的周围神经增添体质学资料。
  6. Optic never and abducent never damage appeared the most frequently.Oculomotor never, facial nerve and vestibulocochlear nerve were in the next. 32例(542%25)出现脑神经受累,以视神经、展神经受累多见,其次为动眼神经、面神经及前庭蜗神经等;