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美[æbərɪdʒə'nælɪtɪ]  英[æbərɪdʒə'nælɪtɪ]
n.  原始状态;本土性


  1. Store the products at the aboriginality. 2产品呈原始包装状态储存;
  2. It will insure the aboriginality and authenticity, and cater for the habit of document searcher. 因它既可确保电子文件的原始性和真实性,又可迎合查档者的习惯性。
  3. The different factors incarnate the respective aboriginality and the different cultural origin. 其不同特征,体现了各自的土著性,彼此文化来源不同。
  4. For example in 1956 there was almost no reference to Aboriginality in the way in which Australia projected itself. 在一九五六年的奥运会上,澳大利亚在展示自己的形象时完全没有涉及到原住民文化。
  5. Not only does the result of operation includes many subjective factors but also miss data's aboriginality. 其运算结果不仅含有诸多主观因素,而且在运算前就失去了数据的原始性。
  6. The Toronto film festival organized in 1976, sponsored most early by the Canadian Movie Television bureau, what manifested basically was the Canadian movie's aboriginality. 多伦多电影节创办于1976年,最早由加拿大电影电视局主办,基本体现的是加拿大电影的本土性。