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美[ə'bɔːtəs]  英[ə'bɔːtəs]
n.  流产胎


  1. a human fetus whose weight is less than 0.5 kilogram when removed or expelled from the mother's body


  1. A fetus of胎儿孕周小于20周或胎儿体重小于500克的称为流产胎。
  2. There are several distinct pathogens: Brucella abortus, B. canis, B. melitensis, B. suis, whose identifications correlate with their reservoirs, respectively, cattle, dogs, goats and sheep, and pigs. 有若干不同的病原体:流产布鲁氏杆菌、犬布鲁氏杆菌、山羊布鲁氏杆菌、猪布鲁氏杆菌等,其识别与对应的贮藏宿主有关,即分别为牛、犬、山羊和绵羊、猪。
  3. Objective Specifity and sensitivity of a PCR assay of detecting Brucella DNA with th ree pair primers of cod-ing Br. abortus one and the same prote in gene sequence of different amplic ation fragment (that is 330bp?230bp and 223bp)were studied. 目的探讨编码牛种布氏菌同一蛋白基因序列不同扩增片断(分别为330bp、230bp和223bp)的3对引物检测布氏菌DNAPCR试验的特异性和敏感性。
  4. The tissues of her abortus and blood of a health woman were detected, too. Results CTG repeats in both peripheral white cells and muscles of the suspected mother and the tissue of abortus were higher than normal range of CTG repeat number. 结果 该可疑个体外周血白细胞、肌肉及胎儿组织中MTPK基因CTG三核苷酸重复拷贝数均高于正常 ,并且血液及肌肉DNA中的CTG三核苷酸重复拷贝数无明显差别。
  5. Three biovars of Brucella melitensis and five biovars of Brucella suis could be discriminated within their own species.Eight biovars of Brucella abortus were typed into three groups. 羊种菌和猪种菌内各生物型均可在各自种内被区别,但牛种菌各生物型被区分为3类。
  6. The objective of this study was therefore using molecular biology techniques to produce the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) from Chlamydophila psittaci and Chlamydophila abortus. MOMP),期能大幅降低成本且安全生产具特异抗原性、免疫原性之蛋白质,作为未来诊断试剂开发用。