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美['æbseɪl]  英['æbseɪl]
vi.  (登山运动中)沿绳滑下
n.  (登山运动中的)沿绳滑下法


  1. (mountaineering) a descent of a vertical cliff or wall made by using a doubled rope that is fixed to a higher point and wrapped around the body
  1. lower oneself with a rope coiled around the body from a mountainside;

    "The ascent was easy--roping down the mountain would be much more difficult and dangerous" "You have to learn how to abseil when you want to do technical climbing"


  1. Join a wine tasting club or complete an abseil for charity. 加入品酒俱乐部,或完成慈善登山活动。
  2. Belarus soldiers of special troops abseil from a helicopter during exercises in Minsk, 21 June 2007. 2007年6月21日,明斯克军事演习中,白俄罗斯特种部队从直升飞机上滑降突袭。
  3. Now, when I feel the old urge to abseil or explore caves or teeter at a great height I remind myself that I do not have to prove a thing. 现在,当我有了类似冲动想去攀岩或是探索岩洞或是别的什么胆战心惊的活动,我就会提醒自己我不必证明什么。
  4. Semi-static ropes have moderate extension under load to facilitate interventions and abseil decents at moderate speeds. 近似静力绳承载负荷时会有适度的延展,以适应特种训练及速降行动的要求。
  5. Now, when I feel the old urge to abseil or explore caves or teeter at a great height I remind myself that I don't have to prove a thing. 现在,当我有了类似冲动想去攀岩或是探索岩洞或是别的什么胆战心惊的活动,我就会提醒自己我不必证明什么。
  6. If you do find yourself on a route that is too long to lower off, the easiest way is to pull a spare rope up and abseil off. 如果你发现所在的路线太长没办法做先锋撤退,最简单的方式就是拉一条备用的绳子并垂降。