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美[əb'sɔːrb]  英[əb'sɔːb]
vt.  吸收;吸引 ... 的注意;吞并;承受
  形容词:absorbable  副词:absorbingly  名词:absorbability  过去式:absorbed  过去分词:absorbed  现在分词:absorbing  第三人称单数:absorbs


  1. 吸收,汲取
  2. 使全神贯注,吸引全部注意力
  3. 承受,经受,承担,忍受
  4. 吸引
  5. 理解,掌握
  6. 合并,并吞
  7. 承担(费用)
  8. 占用(时间)
  9. 使并入,把…并入
  10. 耗去,耗费
  11. 同化
  12. 接受
  13. 减轻作用
  14. 收买,买进,收购进
  15. 吞没,吞噬


  1. vt. 吸收 take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space around
  2. vt. 使并入; 吞并 make sth smaller become part of sth larger
  3. vt. 理解; 掌握 take sth into the mind and learn or understand it
  4. vt. 吸引全部注意力; 使全神贯注 interest sb very much so that they pay no attention to anything else; completely fill the attention of
  5. vt. 减轻…的作用 reduce the effect of a blow, hit, etc.; reduce the harmful effects of a physical force
  6. vt. 耗费,耗去 use up a large supply of sth, especially money or time
  7. vt. 承受; 承担,对付 deal with changes, effects, costs, etc.


  1. become imbued;

    "The liquids, light, and gases absorb"

  2. take up mentally;

    "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe"

  3. take up, as of debts or payments;

    "absorb the costs for something"

  4. take in, also metaphorically;

    "The sponge absorbs water well" "She drew strength from the minister's words"

  5. cause to become one with;

    "The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax"

  6. suck or take up or in;

    "A black star absorbs all matter"

  7. devote (oneself) fully to;

    "He immersed himself into his studies"

  8. assimilate or take in;

    "The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society"

  9. consume all of one's attention or time;

    "Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely"


  1. absorb ammonia in water用水吸收氨
  2. absorb another country吞并另一个国家
  3. absorb a small company合并一个小公司
  4. absorb a small state吞并一个小国家
  5. absorb as much information as possible尽可能多地吸收信息
  6. absorb attention吸引注意力
  7. absorb carbon dioxide吸收二氧化碳
  8. absorb energy吸收能量
  9. absorb essence and discard dross吸取精华,剔除糟粕
  10. absorb essence and reject dross吸取精华,剔除糟粕
  11. absorb experience吸取经验
  12. absorb foods吸收食物
  13. absorb gas吸气
  14. absorb heat吸热
  15. absorb ink吸墨水
  16. absorb interest吸引兴趣
  17. absorb knowledge掌握知识
  18. absorb light吸收光
  19. absorb loss承担亏损
  20. absorb millions of immigrants吸收并同化数以百万计的移民
  21. absorb moisture吸收潮气
  22. absorb new subscribers吸收新订户
  23. absorb noise吸收噪音
  24. absorb nutrition吸收营养
  25. absorb sb's attention吸引某人的注意力
  26. absorb shares吸收股份
  27. absorb shock减震
  28. absorb sound吸收声音
  29. absorb sunlight吸收阳光
  30. absorb the rain吸收雨水
  31. absorb water吸水
  32. absorb what is useful吸收有用的东西
  33. absorb what is worthwhile吸收有价值的东西
  34. absorb workload承担工作量
  1. absorb completely完全吸收
  2. absorb immediately立即吸收
  3. absorb incessantly持续不断地吸收
  4. absorb intelligently明智地吸收
  5. absorb partially部分吸收
  6. absorb passively消极地吸收
  7. absorb properly适当地吸收
  8. absorb quickly迅速吸收
  9. absorb rapidly迅速吸收
  10. absorb shortly立即吸收
  11. absorb slowly慢慢地吸收
  12. absorb totally全部吸收
  13. absorb utterly完全吸收
  14. absorb wholly完全吸收
  1. absorb from从…吸收
  2. absorb into把…吞〔并〕入…
  3. absorb sth from从…吸收
  4. be absorbed by全神贯注在…上,专心于
  5. be absorbed by the problem全神贯注于这个问题上
  6. be absorbed in全神贯注在…上,专心于
  7. be absorbed in study埋头学习
  8. be absorbed in the work埋头工作
  9. be absorbed in the experiment专心于实验
  10. be absorbed in thoughts陷于沉思
  11. be absorbed in (reading) a book专心读书
  12. be absorbed with全神贯注在…上,专心于
  13. be absorbed with the problem全神贯注于这个问题上


  1. Dry sand absorbs water.干沙吸收水份。
  2. Did you absorb everything the professor said?教授说的你全部理解了吗?
  3. His business absorbs him.他的业务使他全神贯注。
  4. Large nations shouldn't absorb smaller ones.大国不应当吞并小国。
  5. She won't be able to absorb another heavy blow.她无力承受再一次沉重的打击。


    absorb的基本意思是“吸收”,可指吸收液体、气体、光、热、能等,也指吸收抽象的知识、文化、经验、教训、思想、方法等,含有“以此丰富了吸收者”之意,并暗示“吸收”的渐进性和彻底性。absorb作“吞并; 并入”解时指把一个较小的国家、团体或组织变成一个较大的国家、团体或组织的一部分,被吞并者失去了自己原有的个性或特征。 absorb作“吸收”解时主语可以是人,也可以是物,宾语则是无生命的事或物;作“吞并”解时主语和宾语都是国家、团体或组织;作“使全神贯注”解时主语是人、事或物,宾语是人或人的精力、兴趣等;作“减轻…的作用”解时主要用于打击、碰撞等;作“耗费,耗去”解时主要用于大量的金钱、时间等;作“承受; 承担,对付 ”解时主要用于变化、结果、费用等。 absorb作“吸收”“吞并”“使全神贯注”解时常用于被动结构。be absorbed作“聚精会神地干某事”解时应接“in+动名词”,不能接动词不定式。