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美[ˌækə'demɪkəl]  英[ˌækə'demɪkəl]
adj.  学术的;学院的
n.  学士;(复)大学礼服;学位服
sp.  =academic.


  1. Copying academical articles are also encouraged and rewarded. 鼓励复制者,复制学术贴也可获得奖励。
  2. We are not about to go through young Pen's academical career very minutely. 小潘的大学生涯,我们不打算详细描述。
  3. College transaction is an organism made up of all kinds of academical papers. 摘要高校学报是各类学术论文按照一定规律组合起来的有机整体。
  4. The academical backgroud of creating crop grey breeding science was expounded. 阐述了作物灰色育种学产生的学术背景。
  5. Educational system of the art in our country have made up a lot of artists, but its educational system has obviously academical malady. 我国的美术教育体系培养了一代代优秀的画家,但却带有明显的学院派弊病。
  6. As a concept with a very strong academical potential, evolution provides social frame for explaining and analyzing country society. 摘要作为具有很强学术潜力的概念,“内卷化”提供了一个很有解释力的分析乡村社会的框架。