forming derivative or compound words by putting together constituents each of which expresses a single definite meaning
united as if by glue
Turkish is an agglutinative language. 土耳其语是一种胶著语。
Malay is an agglutinative language, and new words are formed by three methods. 巫文是黏著语,新词由三种方法形成。
That is to say, I don't like agglutinative languages and inflecting languages. 就是说,我不喜欢黏着语和屈折语。
Uighur language is a type of agglutinative language, in which words are formed by attaching suffixes to a stem. 维语是一种粘性语言,在这一类语言中词是由词根加词缀构成,理论上维语的词汇量是无限的。
Uyghur language is a type of agglutinative language, in whichwords are formed by attaching suffixes a stem. 维吾尔语是一种粘性语言,在这一类语言中词是由词根加词缀构成。
Abstract: Based on the agglutinative pattern of Mongolian language recording and syllably writing rules of words, a whole word coding method for Mongolian language is proposed. 文摘:作者基于蒙古文黏着记录其词汇方式和按书面音节拼读书写整词规则,提出了蒙古文整词编码方法。