a festivity in ancient Greece at which competitors contended for prizes
One year agon I also got trap into a case. 另一个问题是如何评判某个律师的能力,也只能就事论事而言。
East-Han Dynasty set up Yuannan county two thousands years agon, Where is the site of Yuannan county in those days? 摘要东汉沅南县的设置距今已近二千年,当年该县城之故址何在?
Good evening, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Charm of Morning Dew, a celebration of VOE's First Poetry Agon! 托尼:女士们,先生们,亲爱的朋友们,晚上好!我是在线主持托尼。热烈欢迎您来到晨露的风采
Glutathione is an important active substance in body.Its the important agon in many enzyme reactions, which can scavenge free radical and detoxicate. 谷胱甘肽是机体内重要的活性物质,是许多酶反应的辅基,具有清除自由基、解毒等多种生理功能。
Glutathione is an important active substance in body.It's the important agon in many enzyme reactions, which can scavenge free radical and detoxicate. 谷胱甘肽是机体内重要的活性物质,是许多酶反应的辅基,具有清除自由基、解毒等多种生理功能。
His prophetic vocation, as he confirms through the agon, is to perform as the "living oracle" and as the illuminator of the soul. 撒旦的引诱巧妙的暗藏着七宗大罪,而耶稣并未被其外表的光鲜亮丽所迷惑,表现出他节制、忍耐的过人品质和对上帝的爱与服从。