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美  英
n.  美国电气工程师学会


  1. A joint meeting of the AIEE and the British IEE is held over radiotelephone channels, with the respective groups assembled in New York and London. AIEE和英国IEE举行联席会议,通过无线电话信道进行,各会议小组分别位于纽约和伦敦。
  2. R. E. Dommel, and C. A. Nickle, “Synchronous Machines,” AIEE Trans, Vol.45, pp.912-942, 1926. 陈志炜,”应用遗传基因演算法则改善电力系统稳定度之研究,”淡江大学电机工程研究所硕士学位论文,1998。
  3. Smith, S. V., “A New Train Performance Calculator,” AIEE Transportation, Vol.70, 1951. 许临国,“列车行驶之阻力探讨”,捷运技术,第五期,第48-52页,民国80年8月。
  4. Lee de Forest reads a paper before an AIEE meeting on the Audion, first of the vacuum tubes that would make long distance radiotelephony possible. 电子管的首次使用将使长途无线电话变为可能。
  5. The reliability data of low vol tage electrical apparatus obtained on the basis of field survey of electrical equipments by U.S. AIEE and IEEE were introduced. 简要介绍了美国AIEE和IEEE对电气设备现场调查结果中有关低压电器的可靠性数据 ;
  6. The reliability data of low vol tage electrical apparauts obtained on the basis of field survey of electrical equipments by U.S. AIEE and IEEE were introduced. 摘要介绍了美国AIEE和IEEE对电气设备现场调查结果中有关低压电器的可靠性数据 ;