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sp.  阿洛伊修斯


  1. Sister Aloysius Beauvier: Only to the ones who are up to no good. 詹姆斯修女:就吓那些动坏脑筋的小孩。
  2. Sister Aloysius Beauvier: You should frame something. 比佛尔修女:你应该挂个画框在这儿。
  3. Aloysius Technical School, Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County 305, Taiwan (R.O.C.). 内思高工生命教育中心 About class from Life Education Center of St.
  4. Sister Aloysius Beauvier: And yet here one is. Penmanship is dying all across this country. 这是这里就有一支圆珠笔。书法就要在这个国家消失殆尽了。
  5. Sister Aloysius Beauvier: Every easy choice today will have its consequence tomorrow. Mark my words. 每个轻率地选择都会造成明日严重的后果,记住我的话。
  6. Sister Aloysius Beauvier: I don't care what pope it is.Use the glass to see behind you. 比佛尔修女:我无所谓是哪个教皇,只要用上面的玻璃偷看你身后孩子们的表现就行了。