Evaluation of standard health education and instruction for patients with continuous ambulant peritoneal dialysis. 腹膜透析患者规范化健康指导的效果评价。
Mobile belt tail pieces' pedestal main girder is a main support of the ambulant components and stageloaders. 自移机尾基架主梁是小车和转载机机头的主要支撑体。
The centralized management of the ambulant clinic laboratory sheets is a necessary work for modern hospitals . 门诊化验单的集中管理是现代化医院必不可少的一项工作。
Ambulant and semi-ambulant residents have their meals in the dining hall or otherwise in their ward. 除了不能行动,需要高度医药护理的老人,其他的都在楼下餐厅用餐。
Hubalek, etc. Ambulant recording of light for vision and non-visual biological effects. 庞蕴凡.;视觉与照明
The golds in women's discus F42-46 and shot put F42-46 (Ambulant: amputations and other disabilities) went to ZHENG BAOZHU in 2004. 2004年女子掷铁饼F42-46和掷铅球F42-46(可活动的残障:截肢和其他残障)由郑寳珠夺得。