(ophthalmology) faulty refraction of light rays in the eye as in astigmatism or myopia
I find you have a presbyopia and ametropia . 根据检查,我发现您得的是老视眼,并有屈光不正。
Objective:To Remedy ametropia and strabismus of children. 目的:矫正屈光不正,矫治隐斜和斜视。
Objective To observe the effect of fitting rigid gas permeable lenses (RGP) correcting ametropia of keratoconus. 摘要目的观察硬性透气性隐形眼镜(RGP)矫正圆锥角膜屈光异常的效果。
Early optometry and correct ametropia were key in prevention and treatment of cerebral palsy with amblyopia. 及早验光、矫正屈光不正是小儿脑瘫弱视防治的关健
Objective To study the effect of screening infant strabismus and ametropia at eye clinic using the MTI photoscreener. 目的探讨MTI摄影筛查仪在眼科门诊对婴幼儿进行斜视和屈光不正筛查的价值。
The dioptric equivalent of the near point of emmetropia(or the ametropia corrected)is the amplitude of accommodation. 正视眼(或屈光不正矫正后)近点的等效焦度称为调节幅度。