one having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs; at birth an unambiguous assignment of male or female cannot be made
The androgyne is the united male and female principles together. 雌雄同体(阴阳人)是男性与女性法则的联合。
It has a strong relation to what is known as the Androgyne. 它与雌雄同体(阴阳人)有着极大的联系。
It has a strong relation to what is known as the Androgyne.The androgyne is the united male and female principles together. 黄道带作为一个吞吃尾巴的蛇标记,代表永恒的时间和受束缚的宇宙。
The homeless androgyne is sitting at the counter wearing a pair of massive headphones, bopping his (her?) head to the internal beat, and scribbling on a small stained notepad. 就像你在一个电梯里挂一个液晶电视很简单,但是要在成千上万的电梯里挂上,却需要相当的资金和能力,这也是为什么很多人自己尝试了一会就会放弃的原因。