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美['æŋɡl]  英['æŋɡl]
n.  Angle.
v.  钓鱼;谋取
sp.  盎格鲁人
  过去式:angled  过去分词:angled  现在分词:angling  第三人称单数:angles


  1. 角度,立场,方面
  2. 观点
  3. 【数】角
  4. 角落
  5. 突出部分
  6. <俚>不正当手段
  7. <俚>有利条件
  8. 角位
  9. 角的度数
  10. 斜角
  11. 钓钩, 钓具
  12. 【英史】盎格鲁人
  13. 嬗角
  14. 【机】角铁
  1. 钓鱼,垂钓
  2. 猎取,用手段获取,博取,夺取,谋取
  3. 在...钓鱼
  4. 使成角度移动,以一个角度移动
  5. 使带某种倾向
  6. 歪曲
  7. 转变角度,使转动角度
  8. 斜移,斜置, 把…放置成一角度
  9. 从(某角度)报道,以(某观点)提供信息
  10. 转弯抹角地打听
  11. 突然朝某方向转去
  12. 使偏成某一角度
  13. 使带上色彩
  14. 追逐
  15. 偏重,侧重


  1. [C]角 the space between two lines or surfaces that join,measured in degree;the shape that is made where two straight lines join or cross each other
  2. [C]角度 a position from which you look at sth
  3. [C]观点;立场 a particular way of presenting or thinking about a situation,problem,etc.;a point of view
  1. vt. 把…放置成一角度 turn or move at an angle
  2. vt. 歪曲,使(新闻、报道等)偏向某一观点 represent sth from a particular point of view; slant
  3. vi. 垂钓,钓鱼 try to catch fish with a hook and line


  1. the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians
  2. a biased way of looking at or presenting something
  3. a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons
  1. move or proceed at an angle;

    "he angled his way into the room"

  2. to incline or bend from a vertical position;

    "She leaned over the banister"

  3. seek indirectly;

    "fish for compliments"

  4. fish with a hook
  5. present with a bias;

    "He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders"


  1. consider all angles of a question考虑问题的各个方面
  2. cross at angle相交成角
  3. form an angle of 45° with与…成45°角
  4. have a wrong angle on it在这一点上看错了
  5. measure an angle测量角度
  6. turn an angle of 180°转180°角
  1. acute angle锐角
  2. alternate angle错角
  3. auxiliary angle补角
  4. blunt angle钝角
  5. complementary angle余角
  6. different angles不同方面
  7. exterior angle外角
  8. human angle人的角度
  9. interior angle内角
  10. new angle新的观点
  11. obtuse angle钝角
  12. opposite vertical angle对顶角
  13. optical angle视角
  14. right angle直角
  15. sharp angle锐角
  16. solid angle立体角
  17. straight angle平角
  18. various angles各个方面
  19. wide angle很大的角度
  1. at a high angle成大仰角
  2. at a rakish angle成倾斜的角度
  3. at an angle of thirty degrees成30°角
  4. at a right angle成直角
  5. from a new angle从新的角度
  6. from an angle从一个角度〔方面〕
  7. from the legal angle从法律的角度
  8. the side of an angle角的边
  9. the vertex of an angle角顶
  1. angle of circumference圆周角
  2. angle of depression俯角
  3. angle of elevation仰角
  4. angle of incidence入射角
  5. angle of reflection反射角
  6. angle of spires尖塔角
  7. angle of vision观点
  1. angle the mirror把镜子摆成某一角度
  2. angle one's reports歪曲报告


  1. The rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from this angle.旭日从这个角度看起来特别美。
  2. Try looking at the affair from a different angle.试从不同的角度来看这件事。
  3. The two roads lie at an angle of about 45 degrees.这两条路交叉成45度角。
  4. We would like to hear your angle in this dispute.我们想听听你在这场争论中的观点。
  5. Viewed from any angle, drinking heavily on an empty stomach is very dangerous to the liver.从任何观点看来,空腹大量饮酒对肝绝对是危险的。
  1. He is keen on angling.他喜欢钓鱼。
  2. He used to angle for prestige.他过去一贯沽名钓誉。


    angle的基本意思是“角”,指的是几何学上从一点引出两条直线所形成的空间,也指从一条直线上展开的两个平面或从一点上展开的多个平面所形成的空间。angle也可指用弧或度来表示的角的度数。 用于比喻,angle 可指看问题的出发点、观点或立场。
    angle用作动词的基本意思是“把…放置成一角度”,引申可作“歪曲,使(新闻、报道等)偏向某一观点”。用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。 angle还可作“垂钓,钓鱼”解,用作不及物动词,常与介词for连用,表示“取得,谋取”。