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美  英
sp.  盎格鲁方言


  1. one of the major dialects of Old English


  1. The Ministry of Defence said the soldiers were from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment. 国防部说这几个士兵来自英国皇家盎格鲁团第一营。
  2. A sixth-century a.d. Anglian kingdom in present-day northeast England. It was later part of the kingdom of Northumbria. 伯尼西亚:公元'世纪时一盎格鲁王国,位于现在英国的东北部。是后来诺森伯里亚王国的一部
  3. Mr Nath's problem was the wretched farmers, not the East Anglian sugar barons or the American cotton kings, so often the butt of abuse. 纳特先生的问题是可怜农夫的问题,而不是东英吉利蔗糖大亨,也不是美国棉花大王的问题,因此总是引来铺天盖地的谩骂之声。
  4. The MoD said the soldiers, from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, were killed at around 1830 local time (1500 BST) on Thursday. 国防部称,星期四皇家盎格鲁团一营士兵在当地时间18:30左右(英国夏令时15:00)被杀害。
  5. This milestone was marked with a special presentation to Anglian Water at ABB's newly opened customer demonstration facility at its Stonehouse factory. 在ABB的Stonehouse工厂新设的用户示范区内,一个向AnglianWater公司的特别交付仪式标志着这个历史性的里程碑。
  6. Of these Northumbrian and Mercian are found in the region north of Thames settled by the Angles.They have certain features in common and sometimes known as Anglian. 其中诺森伯兰语和麦西亚语是在盎格鲁人定居的泰晤士河北面的地域发现的,它们共有一些特征,有时会被认为是盎格鲁语。