But the indexes of blood stream dynamics were steady and there were not anoxemia and the cumulation of CO2. 但采血前后血流动力学稳定,临床未见缺氧、CO2蓄积等异常。
The data of blood gas show that CINB can meliorate the anoxemia and the state of carbon dioxide retention. 手术创伤会引起剧烈疼痛而导致严重的应激反应,从而影响患者的生活质量及术后康复。
Objective To find out the causes of anoxemia affecting younger people and to propose solutions. 摘要目的:针对缺血性心血管病年轻化的现状,寻找原因,加以分析并提出对策。
The free-fall method is utilized in order to minimize exposure to cold, the danger of anoxemia (lack of oxygen), and the effects of enemy fire. 这是为了最大可能地避开暴露在高空寒冷环境下,并且减少出现缺氧以及暴露在敌军火力下的危险。
Finally, I have done my exams, especially the most hardest one!When I finished the paper, I've already felt dizziness, both my hands and feet going numb, and kinds of symptoms of anoxemia. 终于完成了一项艰难的考试,真的是艰难啊,做到最后已呈现四肢麻木、头晕目眩的缺氧状态。