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美['æntɪtaɪp]  英['æntɪtaɪp]
n.  相反的类型;原型


  1. a person or thing represented or foreshadowed by a type or symbol; especially a figure in the Old Testament having a counterpart in the New Testament
  2. an opposite or contrasting type


  1. His job was an antitype to his personality. 他的工作与他的个性是相对的类型。
  2. We have completed the antitype of the intelligent design system, and we have achieved the method of intelligent design. 同时,对数控机床的进给系统设计方法的研究也取得一定的效果。
  3. It is the antitype of "mazu" in his novels that performs the special function of aesthetics. 妈祖从一个真实普通的女性演化为特异的神灵,并在长期流传中浸染上宗教色彩。
  4. How to take in the advantage from different models and compare to human antitype are most important to myopia. 汲取不同类型的模型优点,并同人类原型予以比较,对解读近视本质和病因治疗有深远意义。
  5. They were not conscious that type had met antitype, that an infinite sacrifice had been made for the sins of the world. 但有些敬拜者为罪奉献公牛和山羊的血时,心里却得不到平安。
  6. The antitype of ranny Zhao is the Fuhen's nannie,the South tour of inspection she saw can simply be the one conducted by Emperor Qianlong. 赵嬷嬷的原型是傅恒的乳母,她能看到的南巡,只能是乾隆年间的乾隆帝南巡。