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美[ə'njʊrən]  英[ə'njʊrən]
n.  无尾动物
adj.  无尾类的


  1. any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species
  1. relating to frogs and toads


  1. Chapter 2: The phylogeographic researches on Anuran amphibians in the world including China are reviewed. 第二章:对国内外的无尾两栖类的系统地理学研究进行了综述。
  2. In this study, we examined the occurrence of LAGs in the phalangeal bones of eight anuran species from a subtropical rainforest in southern Taiwan. 此法是否能广泛应用于热带及亚热带的两栖类,则需进一步研究。
  3. It is important to describe the Labial Tooth Row Formula (LTRF) of tadpoles in anuran biology and biodiversity research.Five common type of the formula and their differences were shown in this paper. 摘要蝌蚪的唇齿式在研究蝌蚪的生物学特性和生物多样性中具有重要的作用,本文比较详细介绍了目前国内外5种蝌蚪唇齿式表达方式,并比较了它们的优缺点。
  4. The Acoustic Features of the Mating Call of 12 Anuran Species 我国12种无尾类的鸣叫特征参数
  5. An Investigation for the Karyotypic and C-banding Pattern on the Two Anuran Amphibia 两种无尾两栖类的核型与C-带型的比较研究
  6. Bands on Chromosomes of Four Anuran Amphibia and the Relationship between the C-banding, Ag-stained NORs and the Secondary Constrictions 四种无尾两栖类带型的分析比较以及C带、银带和次缢痕间相互关系的探讨