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美[eɪpra'ɪɒrɪtɪ]  英[eɪpra'ɪɒrɪtɪ]
n.  先验性


  1. We will give a detailed analysis of Apriori algorithm before we present our modified Aprior algorithm. 在分析Apriori算法的基础上,提出了对Apriori算法的改进办法。
  2. Kant found out the established warranty for knowledge by formulating the apriority" of apperception. 摘要康德通过对统觉的“先验性”规定,为知识找到了确定的根据;
  3. Officials in both parties said that resolving the southerners' grievances was apriority. 两党的官员都说将优先考虑解决南方的不满。
  4. Both of the two aims to make beauty, as the meaning of aesthetic object, obtain its apriority and substantiality. 本文认为,德国古典美学的主旨是在主客统一中解说美,而现象学美学则通过建立审美对象先验的自在性,使经验主体向先验主体提升。
  5. Therefore, we can make a conclusion that the specialty of education research is embodied in four aspects: the apriority of research purp... 由此可以得出,教育研究特殊性表现在研究目的的先验性、研究方法的综合性、研究对象的典型性和研究结果的启示性上。
  6. TInt aPriority : If more than one window group has requested capture for the same long key event, the one with the highest priority will capture it. 的理解是不是对的;是不是该按键事件被我的程序捕捉后其他程序就得不到了.