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美[æk'waɪfərəs]  英[æk'waɪfərəs]
adj.  蓄水的(水成成团的)


  1. of or relating to an aquifer


  1. The thickness of the second aquiferous is about 75m .The depth of the water of this aquiferous is 60m .This aquiferous is very asymmetry . 下部含水层埋深60米,厚75米左右,间杂透晶体,分布不均匀,主要为砂砾石层。
  2. Xu Yanchun, Geng Deyong, Guan Yunzhang, Xu Fakui.Property and application of thick &deep aquiferous unconsolidated layers in coal field [M]. 许延春,耿德庸,官云章,徐法奎.;深厚含水松散层的工程特性及其在矿区的应用[M]
  3. The geochemical behaviour of heavy metals in river and its effect on shallow aquiferous system of both sides of the river are studied by theoretic calculation and experiments. 通过理论计算和实际试验,研究和分析了河流中重金属元素的地球化学行为及其对两侧浅部含水系统的影响。
  4. With egg yelk as raw material, extracted by aquiferous ethanol and aether, removing water and oil by acetone, we gain phospholipids mixture, and search the extracting conditions. 本文以鸡蛋的卵黄为原料,采用含水乙醇与乙醚提取,通过丙酮脱水去油,得到粗品卵磷脂;
  5. In the same section of a leaf the area of vascular bundles has the highest content, the aquiferous tissue has the lowest and the chlorenchyma has intermediate. 芦荟属植物在同一个植物体不同的叶之间,以及同一叶不同的位置间有规律的累积蒽醌类物质有重要的生物学意义。
  6. The sound wave come from the earth's surface echoed from the interface of the common terrane and the oilness terrane, or the inteface of aquiferous terrane and the gassness terrane. 从地表产生的声波在普通岩层和含油岩层、含水岩层或含气岩层之间的界面上反射。