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美[ə'ret]  英[ə'ret]
n.  刃岭;险峭的山脊


  1. a sharp narrow ridge found in rugged mountains


  1. Granted Abilities: While bound to Arete, you gain powers that Arete had at some point in his search for immortality. 赐予能力:当予奥雷特立契时,你从他对不朽的研究中获得能量。
  2. Arete, a powerful psion who sought immortality, created a new race but doomed himself to never-ending rebirths. 奥雷特,一个强大的追求不朽的心灵术士,他创造了一个新种族,却把他自己陷入了无尽重生的困境。
  3. Li: Righteousness, reciprocity. Often compared to the term Arete by Western Magi. 理:正义,互助。和西方法师的术语“魔峰”相类。
  4. Legend: After a memorable battle with a powerful lich, Arete, a powerful psion, took the time to explore the path of lichdom. 传说:在一次值得纪念的,与强大巫妖的战斗之后,奥雷特,一个强大的心灵术士,开始去探索巫妖的领域。
  5. Influence: You do not get hungry or tired while bound to Arete, but you do suffer negative effects if you do not eat or sleep for the duration that the vestige is bound. 影响:与奥雷特立契时,你不会觉得疲劳或饥饿,不过如果你在立契期间不吃不喝,照样会受到饥渴和疲劳的负面影响。
  6. Special Requirement: Arete does not like to be reminded that the elan are considered abominations by some, and he does not answer your summons if you are already bound to Chupoclops or Eurynome. 特殊要求:奥雷特不愿理会那些厌恶厄兰(灵能种族)的人,同时不会回应与楚玻克劳珀斯或欧律诺墨立契之人的呼唤。