Andrew had the reputation of being a skilled arithmetician; and this was a branch of knowledge that Stephenson was now desirous of acquiring. 此外,安德鲁作为一名有技能的算术家有一定的声望,这也是斯蒂芬森现在迫切需求获得知识的一部分。
Besides, Andrew had the reputation of being a skilled arithmetician;and this was a branch of knowledge that Stephenson was now desirous of acquiring. 此外,安德鲁作为一名有技能的算术师有一定的声望,而算术则是斯蒂芬森现在迫切需求获得知识的一部分。
Andrew had the reputation of being a skilled arithmetician;and this was a branch of knowledge that Stephenson was now desirous of acquiring. 此外,安德鲁作为一名有技能的算术家有一定的声望,这也是斯蒂芬森现在迫切需求获得知识的一部分。