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美['ɑːmɪdʒə]  英['ɑːmɪdʒə]
n.  有佩带徽章权利的人;替骑士拿盔甲的侍从


  1. a squire carrying the armor of a knight
  2. a nobleman entitled to bear heraldic arms


  1. Armiger found differential tolerance to Al among soybean varieties. 阿尔米格尔发现大豆各品种对铝有不同的耐性。
  2. H. armiger emits constant frequency/frequency modulated (CF/FM) echolocation calls with relatively longer call duration. 由于台湾叶鼻蝠的回声定位叫声为常频/调频型,回声定位叫声时间也较其他只使用调频型叫声的物种来得长,因此本研究检验的假说分为以下两部份:(1)与频率有关的避免干扰反应假说:当两只个体回声定位叫声中,常频型讯号的频率,也就是峰值频率的差异很小时,应该会出现避免干扰反应;
  3. H. armiger also increased differences in minimum frequency and bandwidth, and emitted echolocation calls with higher minimum frequency and wider bandwidth when they flew in pairs. 在调频型讯号的部份,成对飞行的个体则会增加最低频率或频宽的差异,同时使用较高的最低频率及较宽的频宽。
  4. For relationship of projecting part of forehead to sex and age, most of male H. armiger(72%) has projecting p art of forehead, but some of female (21.1%) has it too . 从皮叶与性别和年龄的关系可见,具皮叶者多数为雄性(72%25),但雌性亦有21.;1%25的个体有皮叶。
  5. Furthermore, there would be some JAR in the FM part of H. armiger’s echolocation calls (2) JAR in duration: species emit CF/FM echolocation calls would also shorten duration when flying in pair. (2)与叫声时间有关的避免干扰反应假说:常频/调频型蝙蝠会藉由缩短叫声时间,以减少同种出现时造成的干扰。
  6. The Karyotype Analysis of Hipposideros armiger 大蹄蝠的核型分析