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美['ærəʊɪ]  英['ærəʊɪ]
adj.  矢的;矢状的;矢般迅速的


  1. UP ARROWy-- Scroll backward through a document one linesat a time. 截至箭--通过一个文件卷轴落后于一线的时刻.
  2. Brought by the Indian, and speaking with arrowy tongues of defiance. 由那个印第安人带来,他用箭一般锐利的舌头发言挑衅。
  3. Only these problems all analysis clear, after establishment of study plan just certain put arrowy. 只有这些问题都分析清楚了,之后制定的学习计划才是有的放矢的。
  4. Fault photography offerred a finer perspective for us, measure the arrowy way of recess giving side directly. 断层摄影则为我们提供了一个较好的视角,直接测出侧隐窝的矢径。
  5. Data is average: Data (arrowy value of a quantity) take when scanning every time average. 数据平均:数据(矢量值)在每次扫描时取平均。
  6. Socialism is Chen Duxiu decay is Trotskyite previously arrowy annals not the pursuit of change. 社会主义是陈独秀蜕变为托派以前矢志不渝的追求。