The arteriolar wall is markedly thickened and the lumen is narrowed. 动脉壁明显增厚,管腔狭窄。
The arteriolar sclerosis that results from chronic hypertension leads to small lacunar infarcts, or "lacunes", one of which is seen here in the pons. 缓进型高血压小动脉硬化导致小范围的腔隙性梗死灶,脑桥上可见一此种病变。
CONCLUSION.: Our findings support the arteriolar vasodilatation theory in migraine without aura. 结论:该研究支持普通型偏头痛小血管扩张理论。
Retinal arteriolar tortuosity with retinal hemorrhage was first described in 1958. 摘要视网膜小动脉弯曲合并复发性视网膜出血在1958第一次被提出。
Retinal arteriolar tortuosity with retinal hemorrhage was first described in1958. 视网膜小动脉弯曲合并复发性视网膜出血在1958年第一次被提出。
Arteriolar relaxation reduces systemic vascular resistance and arterial pressure(afterload). 心脏指数可增加、降低或不变。