I am active , optimistic, associable , energetic , responsible, ambitious, independent and creative so on . 积极、乐观,富有想象力,有责任心,独立。
Hu Lan-cheng was a man whose love was never focused on a single woman, whereas, Zhang Ai-ling was just the opposite.She was conservative and associable. 胡兰成被称为汪精卫的“文胆”,是一位声名狼藉的文化汉奸,而他在爱情上的不专一,也使张爱玲的精神深受伤害,而遭怜惜张爱玲的人斥骂。
1.Conform to the laws and regulations and don’t touch upon anything associable with politics and current events. 1、遵守相关法律、法规,不涉及时事政治;
Keywords multilevel expert system;heuristic and associable reasoning;optimization with artificial intelligence;coal mine design; 多级专家系统;启发联想式;智能优化方法;矿井设计;
(1) local inflammation: If grape film is phlogistic, retinal phlogistic reach associable ophthalmic inflammation of ministry waiting for an eye can spread to optic nerve; (1)局部炎症:如葡萄膜炎、视网膜炎及交感性眼炎等眼部炎症可蔓延至视神经;