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美[əs'juːmɪdlɪ]  英[əs'juːmɪdlɪ]
adv.  多半;大概


  1. I once heard"heart is a container",assum it was,then my thiscontainer all accumulate all the things about you. 听过"心是一个容器";且当它是;那么我的这个容器里竟都累积着关于你的点点滴滴.
  2. In the restaurant has the assorted tea to supply the choice, like Darjeeling, Assum as well as "grey count "tea and so on. 餐馆中有各色茶叶供选择,如大吉岭、阿萨姆以及"格雷伯爵"茶等。
  3. Li Bai (701-762)of the Tang Dynasty, styled Taibai, assumedly named Lay Buddhist at Qinglian, was born at Changlong in Mianzhou (now Jiangyou, Sichuan Province). 李白(701-762),唐代诗人,字太白,号青莲居士,绵州昌隆(四川江油)人。
  4. The HTML string is different from the traditional selectors in that it creates the DOM elements representing that HTML string, on the fly, to be (assumedly) inserted into the document later. 这个HTML字符串不同于用来表示那些HTML字符串、并据以查询相应DOM元素的选择符,一般而言,随后都会把这个HTML代码串插入到文档中去。
  5. of them would go whoring to satisfy the desire, but 22.22% of them would not use condoms, assumedly, with new partnerships. 的人认为工友为解决性需求去找小姐;在假设与新性伴发生关系时有22.;22%25的选择从来不用安全套。
  6. 10% of them would go whoring to satisfy the desire, but 22.22% of them would not use condoms, assumedly, with new partnerships. 10%25的人认为工友为解决性需求去找小姐;在假设与新性伴发生关系时有22.;22%25的选择从来不用安全套。