the bone in the ankle that articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle joint
a beaded molding for edging or decorating furniture
Methods:The X-ray exhibition and clinic of astragal putrescence of 9 cases were analysed. 方法对已确诊的9例距骨缺血坏死的临床X线表现进行分析。
Objective:To sum up the characteristics of X-ray and clinic for astragal putrescence. 目的总结距骨缺血坏死的临床X线特点,提高对本病的诊断水平。
The astragal putrescence may be disassembled into three stage:putrescence stage,evolve stage and resume stage. 结论距骨缺血坏死可分为坏死期、进展期及修复期,坏死期极少见,而以进展期及修复期最多。
Objective:The technology of Astragal us Injection was selected through experiment study. 目的:通过实验研究优选黄芪注射液的制备工艺。
This method can provide reliable indexes for the content determination of astragal preparations. 结论:可为黄芪含量测定提供参考。
The X-ray exhibition and clinic of astragal putrescence of 9 cases were analysed. 方法对已确诊的9例距骨缺血坏死的临床X线表现进行分析。