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美[æte'lektætɪk]  英[æte'lektætɪk]
sp.  肺膨胀不全的


  1. The right lung is markedly atelectatic. 右肺明显萎陷。
  2. The right lung is atelectatic and floating in bloody fluid filling the right chest cavity as a consequence of trauma. This is a hemothorax. 图示血胸。外伤后,大量出血,充满胸膜腔,使右肺萎陷,并在血性液体中飘浮。
  3. O. Conclusion: The instillation of a small amount of perfluorocarbon significantly reduces the opening pressures needed to recruit atelectatic lung areas. 使用小剂量的全氟碳可以显著降低张开塌陷的肺所需补充的压力。
  4. Of the 18 infants with postextubation atelectasis, in 8 the pulmonary lesions persisted with marked volume loss;in 10 infants, the atelectatic lungs reexpanded after a mean of 8.6 days. 18例产生肺部膨胀不全的病婴内,有8例其肺部的问题持续存在并有明显的肺体积缩小,其馀10例,其膨胀不全的肺部平均约8.;6天后再度膨胀。
  5. Targetting in atelectatic lung by positron emission tomography in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with three-dimensional conformal radiationtherapy[J].Chin J Radiat Onc,2006,15(1):11-14. FDG PET对非小细胞肺癌合并肺不张三维适形放疗时靶区确定的临床意义[J].;中华放射肿瘤学杂志;2006;15(1):11-14
  6. 7. The right lung is atelectatic and floating in bloody fluid filling the right chest cavity as a consequence of trauma. This is a hemothorax. 图示血胸。外伤后,大量出血,充满胸膜腔,使右肺萎陷,并在血性液体中飘浮。收藏指正