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n.  如 Atlas 的;力大无双的;Atlantis 岛的


  1. In early Atlantean society, humans lived 150 to 175 years on average. 在亚特兰蒂斯社会早期,人们平均活上150-170岁。
  2. Lemurians became increasingly distraught with the Atlantean governance. 利莫里亚人在亚特兰蒂斯的统治下越来越骚乱。
  3. I intend to forgive those ancestors who participated in the control of Atlantean civilization through euthanasia. 我意愿原谅我那些参与用安乐死控制亚特兰蒂斯文明的所有祖先。
  4. Theories about Atlantis often link sightings of ancient astronauts to Atlantean space ships. This goes to the ancient gods called the Zep Tepi. 亚特兰蒂斯的理论经常与古代宇航员的视域联系起来,还有亚特兰蒂斯号宇宙飞船。这要回溯到称为乍帕泰比的古代众神。
  5. In addition to the damaged Atlantean Fire-Crystals, the Timekeeper Crystal still stands guard within the ruined Atlantean Temple of Healing. 除了被损坏的亚特兰提斯岛火-水晶外,时间记录者水晶仍然完好位于毁灭的亚特兰提斯岛疗愈神庙里。
  6. That's why you can find the Atlantean energy on the coast of Australia , in Greenland , and many other places. 那是为何你们可以在澳洲的海岸、格陵兰岛,和许多其它的地方,找到亚特兰提斯的能量。