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美[ˌætməs'ferɪkəl]  英[ˌætməs'ferɪkəl]
adj.  大气中的;空气的;常压的


  1. relating to or located in the atmosphere;

    "atmospheric tests"


  1. The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmospher. 宴会始终充满亲切友好的气氛。
  2. Die sch?nen alten Baulichkeiten im Zentrum des Dorfes stellen ein Ensemble dar, welches eine einzigartige d?rfliche Atmosph?re vermittelt. 位于村庄中心的美丽古老的建筑交相辉映,体现出小村庄独特的气氛。
  3. The shape and perigee of artificial satellite orbits shall continually variate due to caused by the atmospherical drag and the earth gravity. 人造地球卫星的轨道由于大气阻力和地球引力场等因素的摄动,其形状和近地点位置将不断改变。
  4. It is shown that the corrosion resistance determinated by electrochemical tests agrees well with the rsults by atmospherical exposure. 结果表明:采用线性极化和电化学阻抗法对冷轧钢板耐蚀性评价与大气挂片实验结果吻合;
  5. In this paper, by studying the dehumidifications of twenty kinds of saturated staple yarns made of cotton, ramie, visco and polyester in a certain atmospherical condition. 研究了20种棉、苎麻、粘胶及涤纶纯纺短纤纱达到饱和吸水后在一定的大气条件下的放湿规律.发现它们具有相似的放湿规律。
  6. Abstract: With pc-controlled liquid drop counter,protective atmospher es of ball annealing of wires is strictly kept.pickling is easily gained in proc ess of ball annealing of wires and quality wires are produced. 文摘:采用电脑液体滴速计数仪,严格控制针布齿条用规格钢丝球化退火的保护气氛,防止和消灭针布齿条在球化退火过程中出现的表面不易酸洗现象,提高了钢丝的表面质量。