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美[ə'trəʊʃəsli]  英[ə'trəʊʃəsli]
adv.  残酷地


  1. in a terrible manner;

    "she sings terribly"

  2. to an extravagant or immoderate degree;

    "atrociously expensive"


  1. Unreasonable is play the woman ,is not behave atrociously. 女友不讲理是撒娇而不是撒野。
  2. The enemy stayed atrociously in one place because the bricklayers had not finished their drinks. 通过这个故事,我觉得在很多时候,狗狗的攻击行为是它的主人造成的。
  3. Millions in develop ment ing money has atrociously leaked onto notoriously gone to waste, in the 7 years since the fall of the Taliban. 塔利班倒台后的7年里,已经有上百万的发展资金不知所踪。
  4. I kind-hearted and babyish, swinging to spend skirt, singing a song receive them, who knows them however brandish has big axe, chop atrociously toward me come. 善良而幼稚的我 ,摆动着花裙 ,唱着歌儿迎接他们 ,谁知他们却抡起大斧 ,凶恶地朝我砍来。
  5. Hanging is an atrociously archaic way of killing a human being and the self- satisfied modernity of the electric chair is just as atrocious. 绞刑是一种不再使用的残忍的杀人方法,而人们自鸣得意的现代电椅同样是残酷的。
  6. Hanging is an atrociously archaic way of killing a human being and the self - satisfied modernity of the electric chair is just as atrocious. 绞刑是一种不再使用的残忍的杀人方法,而人们自鸣得意的现代电椅同样是残酷的。