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美[ə'tenʃn]  英[ə'tenʃn]
n.  注意;注意力;照料;留心;关怀;(口令)立正


  1. 殷勤,厚待
  2. 注意,专心,留心
  3. 注意力
  4. 【军】立正,立正姿势
  5. 检修,修理
  6. 照料,照顾,关心,关照
  7. 治疗
  8. 关注,注目
  9. 兴趣
  10. 礼貌,客气
  1. 立正
  2. 注意


  1. [U]注意,专心,留心 action of applying one's mind to sb/sth or noticing sb/sth
  2. [P]殷勤,厚待 kind or thoughtful act


  1. the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others
  2. the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something;

    "no medical care was required" "the old car needs constant attention"

  3. a general interest that leads people to want to know more;

    "She was the center of attention"

  4. a courteous act indicating affection;

    "she tried to win his heart with her many attentions"

  5. the faculty or power of mental concentration;

    "keeping track of all the details requires your complete attention"

  6. a motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review;

    "the troops stood at attention"


  1. attract sb's attention引起某人注意
  2. bring to sb's attention引起某人的注意
  3. call attention注意某事
  4. catch sb's attention引起某人注意
  5. demand attention要求注意,需要注意
  6. devote one's attention to专心
  7. direct one's attention提请注意
  8. draw sb's attention引起某人注意
  9. escape attention逃避注意力,没有被注意
  10. fix one's attention on留意,专心于
  11. get sb's attention得到某人关注
  12. give one's attention to注意到
  13. have attention被注意,得到考虑
  14. hold sb's attention吸引住某人注意(力)
  15. invite sb's attention请某人注意
  16. pay attention to注意…
  17. receive attention受到注意,得以关注
  18. turn one's attention to注意到
  1. close attention密切注意
  2. entire attention全神贯注
  3. further attention进一步的注意
  4. great attention特别注意,极大关注
  5. immediate attention立即注意
  6. international attention国际上的关注
  7. little attention不大注意
  8. medical attention医药治疗
  9. national attention全国的瞩目
  10. particular attention特别注意
  11. personal attention亲自过问
  12. popular attention普遍注意,广泛关注
  13. public attention公众的关注
  14. serious attention严重的注意
  15. special attention特别注意
  1. with attention专心,注意地
  1. attention of the general public公众的注意
  2. attention to对…的注意


  1. She soon becomes the centre of attention.她很快成为大家注意的人物。
  2. You should focus your attention on your work.你应该把注意力放到工作上。
  3. She gave her aging parents much attention.她悉心照料年迈的双亲。
  4. He didn't pay much attention to his surroundings.他没有留心他周围的环境。
  5. My mother always lavishes us with attention.妈妈对我们关怀得无微不至。
  6. Spring to attention when the captain enters.上尉一进来,就要迅速立正站好。


    attention表示“注意”时,是不可数名词; 用作可数名词时,指具体活动,表示“殷勤”“款待”,常用复数形式。 call sb's attention to sth 或call sth to sb's attention都表示要某人注意某事。bring sb to the attention of sb else表示“某事使某人得到他人的注意”。


  1. 我要他安静下来,因为我想看书,但他不理会我。

    I told him to keep silent because I wanted to read, but he didn't pay any attention at me.

    I told him to keep silent because I wanted to read, but he didn't pay any attention to me.

    要用pay attention to sb/sth,不能用at代替to。


    The driver of the car was very young and I paid attention that he was drunk.

    The driver of the car was very young and I noticed that he was drunk.

    pay attention后不可接that从句。