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美[ˌɔːdiːoʊkə'set]  英[ˌɔːdiːəʊkə'set]
n.  盒式录音磁带


  1. a cassette for audiotape


  1. Of course,these reasons are valid and motivate us to bury our heads in thick language textbooks and repeat after a monotonous voice on an audiocassette. 当然,这些原因是确实的,激发我们的学习积极性,埋头于厚厚的语言教科书,并跟着盒音带重复单调乏味的语声。
  2. Help your parents preserve their memories on video, audiocassette, or in a scrapbook. 帮助父母用视频、录音带或相片簿上保留记忆。
  3. Listening skills can be developed through means other than by hearing books on audiocassette. 要发展听力技能,并不必定需要借助在盒式录音带上听书这一手段。
  4. However, I forgot to turn off my audiocassette player before going to work so Masters Buddhas Chanting tape continued to play throughout the morning. 临上班时我忘了把播放的机器关掉,所以师父的佛赞录音带就这么一直的播放著。
  5. Thirdly, the writer fails to convince in his argument that hearing books on audiocassette makes a child more eager to read and to learn. 第三,作者在其论述中没能让我们相信在盒式录音磁带上听书能使孩子更加渴望去阅读和学习。
  6. It is more likely that hearing a book on audiocassette would discourage that student from ever reading that particular book on his or her own. 情况更有可能是,在盒式录音带上听某一本书会打消该学生自己去阅读那本特定的书的积极性。