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美[oʊ'taːkɪk]  英[əʊ'taːkɪk]
adj.  经济独立的;绝对主权的


  1. of countries; not relying on imports


  1. For real counterfactuals, look to the poverty of autarkic Burma, or the miseries of North Korea and Cuba. 要找真正的反面事实,不妨看看封闭的缅甸之贫穷,或者朝鲜和古巴的苦难。
  2. It reflected the vision of Deng Xiaoping, who was opening China up after the autarkic blind alley of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. 邓小平先生是在毛泽东提倡发动以闭关守国、内向经济为特点的文化大革命之后将中国的推向开放的先驱者。
  3. The result indicated China was a highly autarkic country in filling water resource,but every region had more distinction. 计算结果表明,中国是一个水资源高度自给的国家,但区域间差别较大。
  4. Some one did not satisfy the autarkic consumed mode.They tried to build a big house which is bigger than their need to display to others. 有的人不再满足于自给自足的消费方式,而是建造超过生活所需的大型住宅,以借此对外炫耀。
  5. It reflected the vision of Deng Xiaoping, who was in the process of opening China up from the autarkic blind alley of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. 这反映了邓小平的高瞻远瞩,他当时正带领中国从***文化大革命制造的自给自足的死胡同走向对外开放。
  6. Four patterns are compared through this model, as autarkic individuals, divided participants of division of labor, workmen and owners of enterprises. 通过模型比较了自给自足者、分立的分工参与者、企业工人和企业所有者这四个模式。