catalysis in which the catalyst is one of the products of the reaction
The recent advances in asymmetric autocatalysis are reviewed in this article. 本文综述了近年来不对称自催化反应的新进展。
Autocatalysis:Catalysis of a chemical reaction by one of the products of the reaction. 自身催化:指通过某一反应的产物来催化该化学反应。
Asymmetric autocatalysis combined with chirality amplification has been made the new concept in chirality origin. 不对称自催化反应结合手性放大作用,使人们对手性起源有了新的认识。
Asymmetric autocatalysis occurs when a chiral product operates as an asymmetric catalyst for its own production. 摘要不对称自催化是指由不对称反应生成的手性产物自身作为催化剂的反应过程。
In the past decade the investigation and research on asymmetric autocatalysis have made great achievements. 自1990年代以来该方面的探索和研究取得令人注目的重大突破。
Thestudy shows that degradation mechanism of PDLLA/HA compound fiber wasindicative of an autocatalysis process and simple noumenon hydrolysis. 通过对试样的性能测试和形貌观察,研究了PDLLA/HA复合纤维在降解过程中其分子量、重量和力学性能以及缓冲溶液pH值等一系列参数的变化规律,并探讨了复合纤维的降解机理。