美 英
sp. 叙利亚社会党党员,叙利亚社会党的
- Baathist secularism promoted such modernising trends as inter-faith marriage and scientific education. 复兴党的世俗性也推动了伊拉克朝现代化方向发展,比如跨宗教通婚和科学教育。
- Having broken the Baathist regime, we face a remnant of violent Saddam supporters. 在粉碎复兴社会党的统治之后,我们面临残存的萨达姆死硬分子的暴力顽抗。
- For the Baathist holdouts largely responsible for the current violence, there will be no return to the corrupt power and privilege they once held. 顽固不化的阿拉伯复兴社会党党徒应该对当前的暴力事件负主要责任,他们曾掌握的腐败权力与特权已经一去不返了。
- One is led by Iyad Allawi, a keenly secular Shia and former Baathist who was a prime minister after the fall of Saddam Hussein. 一个是由有着强烈世俗意识的什叶派人阿拉维,和萨达姆倒台后出任总理的前巴迪斯特。
- He started out fighting the “near enemy”, in his case Syria's Baathist regime (he got support from Egypt and then Iraq). 最初,他将矛头指向“近敌”。那时,他曾反抗过叙利亚社会党政权(他先得到了埃及的支持,后又有伊拉克的支援)。
- Special forces from El Salvador, Macedonia, and other nations are helping to find and defeat Baathist and terrorist killers. 萨尔瓦多和马其顿等国的特种部队正在参加追剿复兴党党徒和恐怖凶犯的行动。