Basophilic stippling can be seen in the cytoplasm. 胞浆内可见嗜碱性点彩。
Basophil is not found in blood smears. 在扫描电镜下,红细胞椭圆形,表面光滑,无突起;
Methods Skin tests with autologous serum and basophil histamine-release assay (BHRA)were performed. 方法自身血清皮肤试验和嗜碱性粒细胞组胺释放试验。
The nucleolus is dark, however, and the cvtoplasm is filled with clumps of darkly stained, basophilic material, implying a content of ribonucleic acid. 核仁深染,胞浆充满深染的嗜碱性颗粒,提示含有核糖核酸。
The cytoplasm in pheochromocytomas is usually eosinophilic. Occasionally, it may be deeply basophilic or een laender in color as seen in this case. 嗜铬细胞瘤的胞浆染色通常是嗜酸性的。偶尔,也可以呈深深的嗜碱性染色,在我们看到的这个病例它甚至染成了淡紫色。
The cells in stratum basale were basophilic cuboidal cells which rested on the basement membrane. 基底层细胞和棘层的细胞嗜碱性,棘细胞间有少量、散在分布的嗜酸性细胞;