We had gone from good humor to bellicosity back to joviality in five hours. 在五个小时中,双方一会儿从谈笑风生变成剑拔弩张,一会儿又恢复谈笑风生。
But their bellicosity was matched by the scepticism of the Americans, and of Eisenhower in particular, who from the beginning was against the use of force by his two main allies. 但是他们的好战性却被美国人所怀疑,特别是被德怀特?艾森豪威尔所怀疑,他从一开始就反对他的两个盟友使用武力。
Still, despite its military build-up, including the deployment of hundreds of missiles on the coast facing Taiwan, China has muted its bellicosity. 尽管如此,除了包括于部署指向台湾的上百枚岸基导弹在内的军事准备,中国还在保持克制。
Some analysts suggest Pyongyang's bellicosity could be linked to internal issues, amid questions over the health of leader Kim Jong-il after his apparent stroke last year. 一些分析家认为平壤的挑衅行为可能与其内部有关。其中主要是关于金正日的伊朗问题,去年他曾引发了严重的心脏病。