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美  英
n.  [动]搏鱼属;斗鱼属


  1. Betta know your brand is it a Mac-or-PC? 最好知道谁是你的兄弟,麦金塔还是微机?
  2. The standard applies to the evaluation of Betta Splendens. 1.;这分规范用于评分斗鱼等级。
  3. So if you wanna have a hot ass Xover, you betta start workin on it now. 所以如果你想要把过人练得炉火纯青,最好现在开始。
  4. Each of these color layers has its own genetic code which is determined by series of genes which combined eventually determine the color of the betta. 每一颜色层都有自己的基因码,这些基因码受一连串的基因影响,最后决定了斗鱼的颜色。
  5. There are principally 3 types of black betta around today: The Melano black, the Black Lace, and the Marble black. 黑斗鱼目前主要有3种:黑斗鱼、黑蕾丝斗鱼、大理石班黑斗鱼。
  6. The color of Betta splendens is based on the color pigmentation色素 in different types of cells. 斗鱼光彩夺目的颜色决定于不同细胞的色素颜色。