Zhang Xuecheng is a famous historiographer and bibliographer in Qing Dynasty. 摘要章学诚是清代著名的史学家、目录学家。
Li Chong was a famous writer, literature critic and bibliographer in DongJin Dynasty. 李充是东晋著名文学家、文论家、目录学家。
The 90-year-old ancient classics bibliographer Gu Tinglong served as the chief editor of the book---a cultural project he had "yearned for a long time". 德高望重的古籍版本目录学家顾廷龙先生一生致力于古籍的整理,当年以90高龄欣然担任《续修四库全书》的主编,为这项“过去想也不敢想的文化工程”倾注了极大的心血。
To date, this system is still inchoate. A bibliographer can apply the selection criteria typically used in the selection of printed texts to these electronic counterparts. 然而到目前为止,这个系统仍然才开始书目学家能应用典型地、用来选择印刷文本的选择标准来做电子资源对应的事物。
So, it will facilitate users literature searching and utilization to provide an integrated bibliograph ic information service. 从书目数据整合入手,提出构建一体化书目情报服务,目的是给用户资源的搜索、利用带来便利。
The Biographical Life of Bibliographer BAN Gu 目录学家班固年谱