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美[baɪ'enɪəm]  英[baɪ'enɪəm]
n.  二年间(两年的时期)


  1. Biennium bond fell 2 / 32 to yield 0.811 percent. 两年期国债下跌2/32,收益率为0.;811%25。
  2. They have always been approved for every biennium. 每两年度对它们进行一次审批。
  3. The budget for the current biennium represents a 3 per cent reduction in real terms from the budget for 2000-2001. 本两年期的预算按实际价值计算比2000-2001年的预算减少3%25。
  4. It then reported on activities by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines in the past biennium. 该代表团报告了菲律宾知识产权局在过去两年期内的活动。
  5. The actual result for the 2004-2005 biennium had been, however, a surplus of 11.5 Million Swiss francs. 但是,2004-2005两年期的实际结果是盈余1,150万瑞士法郎。
  6. A new partnership hosted by WHO, the Health Metrics Network, was created in the biennium. 在双年度期间,建立了一个由世卫组织主持的新伙伴关系,即卫生计量系统网络。