The bootblack bought the black boot back. 擦鞋童买回来了一双黑色的长靴。
He had experienced a tough period at the beginning and even made a living as a bootblack. 在广州期间,他曾生活窘迫,以擦皮鞋为生。
"More than that, I must give to every human being I come in contact with, from my wife to the bootblack who shines my shoes;from my brother to my sworn foe. (“更何况,我还必须给每一个我接触到的人打广告,从我的妻子到街边为我擦鞋的孩童,从我的弟兄到我的死对头。
27 The bootblack bought the black boot back. 擦鞋童把黑色的长靴买回来。
boot back. The bootblack brought the black boot back. 擦鞋匠把黑靴子带回来了。