The brickmaking,smelting,china,filature, weaving and such handiworks had appeared early in the Ming Period. 早在明代就有制砖、冶坊、陶瓷、缫丝、织布等手工业。
You shall no longer supply the people with straw for their brickmaking as you have previously done. Let them go and gather straw themselves! 你们以后不要再像往日一样,给百姓做砖用的草楷,叫他们自己去拾草。
stiff-plastic brickmaking machine 低水分砖料成型机
Study on Fluorine Expulsion and Retention in Brickmaking Practice 粘土制砖过程中氟化物逸出和固定的研究
Developing process and prospect of fly ash brickmaking in China 我国利用粉煤灰制砖的发展历程与展望
Study on brickmaking technology of coal gangue with high dissovable elements 高溶物煤矸石制砖工艺研究