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bring into line是什么意思

bring into line

美  英


  1. The children were asked to line up against the wall.孩子们要求靠墙排齐队伍。
  2. The imaginary line extending through a font and representing the line on which characters are aligned for printing.一条通过的字形的假想线,表示印刷时字符应依此线排齐。
  3. We must act in line with the policy of the party.我们必须同党的政策保持一致。
  4. The hitherto coherent and uniform line was missing.原来前后连贯的,始终一致的路线消失了。
  5. Your plan is in line with my ideas.你的计划符合我的想法。
  6. His secretary tried to fit me into his schedule.他的秘书想办法安排我符合他的时间表。