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美[b'rɪŋkmæn]  英[b'rɪŋkmæn]
sp.  边缘主义者


  1. Dr Brinkman, a brain researcher at the Australian National University in Canberra, has suggested that evolution of speech went with right-handed preference. 是堪培拉澳大利亚国立大学的一个大脑研究学者,暗示语言的发展伴随着右手使用的偏爱。
  2. Although such a system makes it harder for would-be terrorists to slip through, Brinkman maintains that it could hobble the U.S. economy and actually compromise national security. 虽说这样的系统使得潜在的恐怖份子较难溜进美国,布林克曼却认为,此举不但可能有碍美国经济,事实上还可能对国家安全有害。
  3. According to Brinkman, as the brain evolved, one side became specialised for fine control of movement (necessary for producing speech) and along with this evolution came righthand preference. 根据Brinkman,认为的大脑发展,一面变得专门很好的控制行为(产生语言能力的需要)并且沿着这种发展成为惯用右手偏好。
  4. Brinkman is kidnapped by The Order of the Black Eagle, a Nazi movement aimed at conquering the world with their proton beam and the life support system to reincarnate Adolph Hitler. 待特务积斯与助手狄芬妮奉命混入黑鹰党,查得贼党发明了质子射线及复活机器,并计划控制世界及使希特拉复活。
  5. Brinkman index 布林克曼指数(吸烟量与肺癌发病率成正比)