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美[brɔːdk'lɒθ]  英[brɔːdk'lɒθ]
n.  细平布;绒面呢;宽幅细毛织品


  1. a densely textured woolen fabric with a lustrous finish
  2. a closely woven silk or synthetic fabric with a narrow crosswise rib


  1. He was dressed in his one black suit of broadcloth. 他穿了他仅有的那套厚呢黑衣服。
  2. A nice black broadcloth is what little girls wear. 小女孩该穿黑色的宽戎布料.
  3. He was dressed in his one black suit of broadcloth . 他穿了他仅有的那套厚呢黑衣服。
  4. Caps should only be made of black cotton poplin, broadcloth, rayon, or silk, to match gown they are to be used with. 帽子应该只用黑色棉府绸,精细棉布,人造纤维物或者丝绸来衬长袍。
  5. Bright lights and wine, fiddles and dancing, brocade and broadcloth in the showy big houses and, just around the corners, slow starvation and cold. 豪门大宅里有的是华灯、美酒、小提琴、舞蹈、锦锻、呢绒,而就在它的四周,人们却在饥寒交迫中慢慢地死亡。
  6. A waistcoat of broadcloth or of fustian is alike to an aching heart, and we laugh no merrier on velvet cushions than we did on wooden chairs. 对伤心之人来说,无论是黑色绸料还是棉布做的马甲都别无二致。