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美[brɒn'zaɪt]  英[brɒn'zaɪt]
n.  古铜辉石


  1. The lower zone and the bronzite of the transition zone may be compared with the basal zone of the still-water complex. 下岩带和过渡带的古铜辉岩可与斯蒂尔沃特杂岩的基底岩带相比。
  2. The lower zone and the bronzite of the transition zone may be compared with the basal zone of the still-water complex . 下岩带和过渡带的古铜辉岩可与斯蒂尔沃特杂岩的基底岩带相比。
  3. Specializing in the production of various specifications Caizhu, irrigation Eun-joo, bronzite beads, matte beads, dyeing beads, beads and oil to provide processing services for you. 专业生产各种规格彩珠,灌银珠,古铜珠,磨砂珠,染色珠,上油珠并为你提供加工服务。
  4. The lower zone and the bronzite of the transition zone may be compared with the basal zone of the still-water complex 下岩带和过渡带的古铜辉岩可与斯蒂尔沃特杂岩的基底岩带相比。
  5. bronzite andesite 古铜安山岩