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brown bag是什么意思

brown bag

美  英
n.  自带上餐馆; 自带上班


  1. He held a bottle concealedin a brown bag. 他把一个瓶子藏在一个茶色袋里。
  2. He held a bottle concealed in a brown bag. 他把一个瓶子藏在一个茶色袋里。
  3. I have had to brown bag it every day this week as the company cafeteria is closed for repair work. 因为公司的自助餐厅在装修,这周我不得不每天带便当上班。
  4. Yes, I am. My bag is blue with a red stripe. Oh, there it is.It's next to the brown bag. 肯定不是。我的手提箱是蓝色的,带有一条红色的条纹。嘿,就在那边,紧挨着棕色箱子的那个就是。莫尼卡:大山,我在这儿!
  5. Rumei: Yes, I am. My bag is blue with a red stripe. Oh, there it is.It's next to the brown bag. 如梅:肯定不是.;我的手提箱是蓝色的;带有一条红色的条纹
  6. If they're not fully ripened, you can toss them in the brown bag along with your unripened kiwi fruit, peaches, and pears. 与未成熟的猕猴桃,梨和桃子一起置于牛皮纸袋催熟。